Friday, February 4, 2011

Snow Day and Firsts

We got snow last night and the entire city is shut down. Yup, we had a snow day in Texas! So we bundled up our little snowman and took him outside for a little bit. We actually got one of him sitting up in the driveway by himself. He was so interested in the snow and tried to pick up a bunch. He kept sticking his hand in it and then looking at it very intently and then would look back at us. It was so cute! We only stayed outside for a few minutes and then went back inside to stay warm by the fire.
January has been a month of firsts for Levi...he has sat in a high chair at a restaurant for the first time, can get all his toes in his mouth, has learned how to hold his own bottle (although he's not very good at it), and is learning how to sit up by himself - he still can't stay sitting up for longer than a few seconds.  He is getting really good at holding his body up during tummy time and wiggles all over the floor. He started rolling from his back to his front and if we turn our heads for more than a few minutes, we will have rolled clearly across the floor. He is so curious about everything. He doesn't just look at things; it's like he is really studying things and is interested in everything. He loves to play in his exersaucer and "talks" to his toys. He loves watching Badger and Hailee and grabs for them every time they come close. He really is such a happy little man.
We are still able to work from home, which has been such a blessing, but occasionally Levi has to come to the office with us. Everyone loves seeing the "office baby!"
We are going to put Levi in daycare at the end of March. We will probably start with part-time and eventually take him full time. We think he will really benefit from the socialization and from getting out of the house more often. I think it will be traumatic for me but know my little one will be in great hands. Otherwise, there's not much new here and we are enjoying every single moment with Levi. He is really just perfect...and that is my unbiased and professional opinion. :) We are looking forward to some upcoming trips...Houston in February, Nacogdoches in March, and Kansas in May.

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